Five of the Top Power Catamarans
Catamarans are hard to beat for comfort and seakeeping. Here are five of the biggest, baddest cats in the pride.
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Catamarans are hard to beat for comfort and seakeeping. Here are five of the biggest, baddest cats in the pride.
The 292DLX Offshore combines amenities beloved by hardcore anglers with creature comforts that will keep the family happy.
The Parker Offshore 2900 CC fishes hard while incorporating the niceties that many buyers seek in a fishing boat.
The Bass Cat Jaguar STS is a premium, high-performance bass boat that offers tournament-ready fishing amenities.
Boating has been helping fishermen make boat buying decision since 1956. While as many fishing boats today use outboard power as diesel inboard engines, and outriggers aren’t made from bamboo any more, we still provide the best fishing boat reviews for angling boaters. Whether you are looking for a bass fishing boat, an inshore fishing boat, a flats boat, a bay boat or an offshore fishing boat, the boat tests you find here will prove rewarding. Boating’s Certified Boat Tests include performance data, cruising boat pricing-current at date of publication-and detailed descriptions of layout and features. Best of all, our experienced editors, the world’s foremost powerboat experts, deliver insightful commentary, including providing a comparison boat that will help you better understand where the test boat fits in the marketplace. Looking for the best fishing boat for you? Start your search here!
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The DC 306 combines great cruising manners with fishability.
Scout’s 357 LXF appeals to buyers who want a performance-flavored, ultra-finished, luxury approach in their center-console.
Tidewater’s 3100 Carolina Bay, the world’s largest bay boat, can fish skinny or blue while also offering comfortable cruising.
Innovative design for ultimate on-water experiences.
The new Bayliner Trophy T23 Pilothouse gives anglers a boat capable of extending their season on both ends.
The Starcraft SVX 231 OB CC combines 360-degree fishability with family-boat comfort in a platform that’s very versatile.
The Bass Cat Caracal STS combines innovation, style, and durability in a fishing package that performs well.
The R250 stands out in its field for good looks, value, long-lasting durability, and stellar brand reputation.
The Aquila 47 Molokai is a serious fishing cat that offers standout performance and a luxurious cabin for overnighting.
The Princecraft Sport 175 proves adept at combining fishing capabilities with numerous family-friendly features.
The Pursuit OS 405 Offshore is a superbly built fishing machine created to serve well in multiple capacities.
Lakes offer an ideal boating experience, whether your interests run towards cruising, fishing or watersports. Here’s what to consider when selecting the best lake boat for you and your family.
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