Yamaha is stepping up to the big-boat aficionados and building jet-powered craft to 27 feet. The 255XD Wake Series is the pinnacle of its new 25-footers, and it’s feature-rich with Drive technology, a Connext touchscreen, speed control and wakesurfing capabilities.

Let’s start with the head-snapping power from dual 1.8L SVHO supercharged powerplants. Together, they crank 500 hp, nestled in a wide-open bilge area that makes maintenance such as oil changes easy. A flushing port on the transom means it only takes a minute to protect your engine from salt water. Jet boats are growing in popularity due to the internalized drive system that allows swimming off the platform without risk of injuries from sharp props.

Yamaha countered the tracking deficiencies in most jets by adding what it calls an articulated keel to each jet nozzle. It serves as a small rudder that locks the boat on track in turns and prevents the boat from skidding out from the force of a wakeboard rider. The result is a true towed-sports vessel but with a twist: You can wakesurf behind it.

Ballast—1,600 pounds of it—has been added in three tanks, and engine nozzles are toed inward to improve the wake. An automated surf gate further tunes the riding surface.
Engine controls are digital, and many are accessed through the Connext screen. From here, you can activate the surf gate, fill the ballast tanks, set acceleration and select top-speed rider profiles, which are among the many options easily managed in this intuitive screen. Activate the Drive system, which gives the skipper dual paddles on the wheel for easy control of throttle and shift. In docking maneuvers, it gives up to 3,000 rpm engine speed for safe docking and lets the skipper adjust course, direction and speed without taking his hand off the wheel.

The technology of the 255XD is impressive, and it’s wrapped in comfort. Bow seating is deep, and two forward-facing jump seats give an exhilarating view of the water. The cockpit is spacious, with generous storage to keep it organized even with a big crew of surfers.
High Points
- Yamaha’s exclusive topside jet-pump cleanout access means ingested grass can be cleared without the rider getting in the water.
- Yamaha’s ownership of every boat component ensures simpler warranty response, with no finger pointing to component-makers.

LOA: 24′6″
Beam: 8′6″
Draft (max): 1′7″
Dry Weight: 4,740 lb.
Seat/Weight Capacity: 12/2,350 lb.
Fuel Capacity: 70 gal.
Price: $93,899
How We Tested
Engines: Twin 1.8L supercharged SVHO
Drive/Props: Jet-pump impeller
Gear Ratio: 1.00:1
Fuel Load: 60 gal.
Crew Weight: 400 lb.
More Information
Yamaha Jet Boat Manufacturing – Kennesaw, Georgia; yamahaboats.com