Premium features and tech combine with huge surf performance in the tried-and-true Tigé Z3. Buyers craving a traditional bow and some of the highest surf potential on the water in a tech-forward and aesthetic package should look no further than the Z3.
Tigé now has an evenly weighted surf system called TAPS 3, and the company uses its industry-first Surf Link remote so the surfer can switch sides and adjust the wave while surfing. The system switches in three seconds so transfers are consistent with the remote. Just pump in, hit the button and hop the rooster tail. The Z3’s dash got new steering-wheel options, a huge eyebrow to shade the gauges, and Tigé Touch2 to bring everything together. Tigé Touch2 has been a mainstay for years, and every year the company makes it easier to use. Tigé doesn’t worry as much about having some new feature as much as it refines what you’re really going to use and makes it easier. The Z3 is a traditional bow with a sleek profile, and it looks particularly good in the new 25th anniversary graphic option that celebrates Tigé’s legacy. Inside, you’ve got 23 feet with a massive beam, so there’s plenty of interior space and it’s all covered with different textured vinyl. Foam flooring covers heavily trafficked areas and is standard for 2016.
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