Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230

Cypress Cay Seabreeze SL 230
Don’t mistake the Seabreeze 230 for a bargain boat because of its attractive price. Embossed fence panels provide an attractive exterior. Within, three-tone suedelike vinyl upholstery delivers luxury. And then there’s the floor, an attractive vinyl option that mimics the look of teak. Exposed rotomolded seat bases
hint at price-consciousness, but they’re color-matched to blend in.
The 230’s SL layout mixes traditional with modern. Forward, twin lounges port and starboard along the perimeter fencing convert into a horseshoe with an optional, forward-gate jump seat. Opposite the fiberglass helm sits a 3-foot-4-inch-wide, forward-facing love seat. Behind, an 18-square-foot sun pad completes the accommodations. Its forward half features a rear-facing, reclining seat back; aft, headrests rise from the seat back for those who prefer to face forward. The entire bed lifts on gas struts for stowage. Below, an extra-wide, curtained changing room won’t make you feel like you’re trapped in a phone booth.
Our test boat featured three 25-inch-diameter pontoons, an upgrade from the standard twin configuration. With strakes on each side of the center pontoon, and inside strakes on the two outer pontoons, the boat handled nicely and avoided outside lean in the corners. Top speed with a Mercury 150 outboard was 39.7 mph.